Stand Up For What You Believe

Posted on 10:27 AM by Elder Bergloff

Why do we stand up for what we believe? Well that's obvious, because we believe in it. However, some of us forsake our beliefs when others attack them or try to disprove them. As a missionary I've been able to see this more then anything. That my beliefs and what I hold dear are attacked almost daily. Many people don't believe or understand what we teach, and therefore they immedietly disbelieve in it.
 If fact just the other day me and my missionary companion, Elder Lake, were walking in Philadelphia when we ran into a gentleman who was walking towards us on the street. We began conversing with him about God and His church. The man had spoken with missionaries from our church before and so he immedietly begins to tell us why he feels our church is incorrect.

Some of the hardest times for me to remain patient is when people try to disprove my beliefs. Because to me they are not beliefs, they are facts given to me through the Holy Spirit from God. I have a knowledge of these things, not just simple beliefs.
We ended our conversation by agreeing to disagree. Neither party was willing to believe in what the other shared.
At the time this was really frustrating to me. I really wanted him to understand my beliefs. Afterwards, however, I spent a lot of time thinking about how we all have our own beliefs and our own choices to make in life. I am choosing to follow Jesus Christ and choose to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I would love everyone to be as well, but I know that everyone has that choice.
I stand up for what I know. It is because of that knowledge that I stand up for  this Gospel. It’s true, and each time I pray about it I get that burning sense in my stomach, which isn’t acid-reflux, that confirms to me that this church, this gospel is Christ’s gospel.


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